Monday, 9 March 2015

Site Title Casing Issue (Sharepoint 2010)

Good Morning Friends! :)

How are you all? It's been a long time I haven't written a post.

Now starting again to write on some interesting topics. Hope you will like it :)

In our Customer's Intranet site, we have a local news webpart on front page. Its a custom control which reads the site news based on hardcoded "LocalNews" keyword(which is a Site Title) and show news pages from that site in the webpart.

One of the Customer's office location was facing a problem that they couldn't see Local news on the front page.

Problem was custom webpart was not able to find the local news site as the site's title was in lowercase "localnews" whereas in webpart there was a check for "LocalNews" i,e. title case.

Solution was quite simple just to rename the Site title to "LocalNews" instead of "localnews".

When we updated the Site Title from "Site Settings - Look and Feel" section, it was still showing the old value i,e. "localnews" and was not taking the value as "LocalNews"

We googled a lot to find out the reason for this but couldn't find anything useful.

After some time, while troublshooting, we tried updating the value of site title to some other name such as "LN". It was now taking the site title as "LN" and hence then again we changed the title to "LocalNews". Now the site title was correctly showing as "LocalNews" and not "localnews".

By this change, our front page local news webpart started to show news correctly in webpart :)

This indicates that site title must be different when we try to change its casing.

This was very small yet interesting workaround for resolving the issue.

Hope it will help to save time for some of you.

Happy Learning! :)